Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The Two-Step Flow Theory identifies some flaws and improves on the Hypodermic Needle theory.The proponents of this theory are Bernard Berelson,Hazel Gaudet and Paul Lazarfeld in The People's Choice,a 1944 study they conducted on the process of decision making during presidential elections.Lazarfeld C.S were looking out for empirical support for direct media message on voters.However they discovered that informal,personal contacts were mentioned far more frequently than exposure to radio.

This theory holds that,messages disseminated by the mass media moves in two stages.In the first stage,individuals(opinion leaders) who pay close attention to the mass media and its messages receives the information.After receiving these messages,the opinion leaders give their interpretations to the actual media content.The term 'personalinfluence' was used to indicate the process intervening between the media's direct message and the ultimate reaction of the public.For instance,the headline of 19th March,2010 edition of the Daily Graphic read"Government creates over a million jobs."The masses did not accept this story directly,but the further interpretation of this news item informed the stance of the audiences whether accepting it or disputing it.

Two authors,Elihu Katz and P.Lazarfeld stated that,people are not alone in their communities rather they are integrated in one or more groups,in which they usually have interpersonal relationships with other members.Furthermore,they discovered that,a major role within each group or community is played by an opinion leader.Opinion leaders acts as 'catalyst' meaning that messages delivered by the media don't hit receivers directly as stated by the Hypodermic Needle Theory,but are mitigated by opinion leaders.They receive and transfer media messages and in the process,they exert a certain power influence over others.

Friday, April 9, 2010


Success is not something that only a few can achieve.Everyone can be successful in every area of his or her life.Success comes as a result of forming certain habits and continuing in them.To succeed,you need to be a certain type of person.Don't be discouraged if your not that type of person.The successful person thinks in a certain way and also does things in a certain way.Any one who continuously and consistently applies the following principles to any area of their life will experience success in that area of their life.Consistency is key!

Vision means to have a clear picture of what exactly you want to become or achieve.Keep this picture on top of your mind at all times.Doing something you want to do,because you want to do it,will motivate you to succeed at it.Starting with the end in mind.

Believe without a shadow of doubt that you can do it.believe that you will succeed.Believe in God who will help you to get what you want.Stay away from negative influences i.e people,books,attitudes etc which will make you doubt your ability to succeed.surround yourself with things that reminds you that you can succeed.

Realize that you are responsible for your success and for your future.You are responsible for the outcome of your efforts.Don't blame anyone.Feel free to ask people for help if you need it.But remember the final decision is up to you.It"s your life after all.

Make it a habit of saying out loud what you hope to achieve.Though this may sound silly,it has been proven to be effective.Speak of it in the present tense e.g."I am fit and healthy" as opposed to "I will be fit and healthy".If you feel awkward speaking out loud to yourself,write down the affirmation,then repeat it several times in a day.This helps your mind stay focused and tuned to the goal,soon you will effortlessly make decisions,directed towards the goal.It also builds yourself believe and confidence.

Make a firm commitment to action.Decide to take whatever steps you need to take to help you achieve your goals.Then honor the commitment you have made to yourself.Too often we find it easy to keep our commitments to others,while neglecting our commitments to own selves.This is not a recipe or advocacy for selfishness,but we need find time to fulfill these commitments to ourselves as well,since those people we try to satisfy are more likely to end up hitting their targets with our help,than us.

6.Set a smart goal:
Now that you know what you want to achieve,you need to define it by making it a goal.Your goal has to be specific,measurable,(You will need to know when you have achieved it)motivational,attractive,attainable and realistic.

7.Plan and take action:
Work out a plan of action.Break it into baby steps,achievable a bit at a time.Take one step at a time,reminding yourself that each step is carrying you close to your goal.Perform each act to the best of your ability with faith,passion,determination,and a purpose to reach your goal.Be consistent!

Do not give up until you have achieved your desired objective.In the course of things,be willing to change part of your plans which turns out not to be working and try a new approach.Thomas Edison did not give up his quest to invent light bulb even though he "failed" 10,000 times.When asked later,he said"I did not fail 10,000 times,I found out 10,000 ways of not making a light bulb."That is persistence!See every failure as a stepping stone to success and as only a challenge and temporary set back.Learn from it and push towards your goal.

Maintain an attitude of gratitude,knowing that all your dreams are about to become a reality.Refuse to grumble when circumstances look contrary and rather look for things to be grateful for.

10.Read wide/Learn:
Be in the know.Find out everything you can about anything and everything concerning your situation and your goals.Read books,watch documentaries,talk to experts.Do whatever it takes!this will help you to make wise decisions and keep you confident as you go along.

Credit:Dr.Kem Thompson

Friday, April 2, 2010

Refreshing break on Joy FM

For once,i was enthused when i tuned into a morning show on radio.The usual politics which is dominant on the air waves throughout the country was absent on Joy FM.Rather some pupils were reading on the super morning show hosted by Kojo Oppong Nkrumah.The first idea that struck me,i listened to these kids read was about what our motherland Ghana will be in the years to come,if all the stations departed from the everyday politics and discussed serious issues which will lead to the development of Ghana.

Many opinion leaders in this country have expressed worries about the over-emphasis on politics at the expense of other developmental issues.But little has been done to address this issue of national concern.Also,the rate at which students read this days has declined and this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed.

What will become of our dear nation,if this canker that is bedeviling our youth continue?The future of our young generation is dependent on education and reading is pivotal in this regard.In this era of falling educational standards,there is the need for teachers and parents to inculcate the habit of reading in the children of today.This is a period for us to make higher strides in education as a country and this depends on reading.

I was, therefore more than delighted,when Joy FM formed a reading club and introduced a reading segment on their morning show.More grease to their elbows for exihibitng a sense of nationalism and contributing their quota to the development of mother Ghana.Indeed they have proved beyond all reasonable doubts that they are the pacesetters in radio broadcasting in Ghana.