Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The Two-Step Flow Theory identifies some flaws and improves on the Hypodermic Needle theory.The proponents of this theory are Bernard Berelson,Hazel Gaudet and Paul Lazarfeld in The People's Choice,a 1944 study they conducted on the process of decision making during presidential elections.Lazarfeld C.S were looking out for empirical support for direct media message on voters.However they discovered that informal,personal contacts were mentioned far more frequently than exposure to radio.

This theory holds that,messages disseminated by the mass media moves in two stages.In the first stage,individuals(opinion leaders) who pay close attention to the mass media and its messages receives the information.After receiving these messages,the opinion leaders give their interpretations to the actual media content.The term 'personalinfluence' was used to indicate the process intervening between the media's direct message and the ultimate reaction of the public.For instance,the headline of 19th March,2010 edition of the Daily Graphic read"Government creates over a million jobs."The masses did not accept this story directly,but the further interpretation of this news item informed the stance of the audiences whether accepting it or disputing it.

Two authors,Elihu Katz and P.Lazarfeld stated that,people are not alone in their communities rather they are integrated in one or more groups,in which they usually have interpersonal relationships with other members.Furthermore,they discovered that,a major role within each group or community is played by an opinion leader.Opinion leaders acts as 'catalyst' meaning that messages delivered by the media don't hit receivers directly as stated by the Hypodermic Needle Theory,but are mitigated by opinion leaders.They receive and transfer media messages and in the process,they exert a certain power influence over others.

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