Wednesday, March 17, 2010


The Hypodermic Needle Theory,which is also known as the magic Bullet Theory is the major communication model concerning the effect of the mass media on society.This theory originated around the 1920s and is a theory based upon an all powerful media with the same and direct effect on the mass.This theory contends the masses as receivers who accept the message they receive without considering its merits and possible effects.The Magic Bullet Theory holds that,the media could shape public opinion by sending persuasive messages.This theory implies that,the mass media has a direct,immediate and powerful effect on the mass.This is evident in the 1994 Genocide in Rwanda,when Valerie Bemeriki a journalist,urged Hutus to slaughter Tutis during the Genocide.He said"Do not kill those cockroaches with a bullet,cut them to pieces with a machete".He used radio to send this message across and this caused the death of most Rwandans during the Genocide.

Moreover,the theory also implies that,messages strike the masses equally causing a uniform thinking among them.Harold Lasswell(1927)theorized that the new mass media could directly influence and sway public opinion.The new mass media,radio and television is capable of influencing individuals behavior and able to convert existing attitudes and can move people to adopt behaviours and opinions promoted in the messages broadcasted.The theory indicates that,messages are able to strike individuals directly like bullet penetrating in a person's body hence the name Magic Bullet Theory.The message after penetrating the body of a receiver,is able to cause immediate reactions.For instance,when products are advertised in the media,it quickly penetrates through the masses and a quick response is generated in favour of some of these products.In a nutshell,it cannot be gainsaid that the media has a great influence on the masses.


  1. That was a good piece. Like your observations, however, your final point that the media does not have great influence on the masses could have been explained further. Why do you say that? I would appreciate further comments

  2. Mr Boateng,in my final analysis i stated that the media has a great influence on the masses but your question indicates that i should explain further why the media has no influence on the masses.
