Thursday, March 18, 2010


Most people protect and preserve what belongs to them, but refuse to take good care of state property. Since it is considered as belonging to the state, little or no attention is given to what is owned by the state.

The attitude of Ghanaians towards state property is when the state owns nobody owns and when nobody owns nobody cares. However, act 41(f) of the 1992 constitution of Ghana states clearly that"it is the duty of every citizen to protect and preserve public property expose and combat misuse and waste of public funds and property",but many people especially those in public sector ignore this constitutional obligation and do otherwise. 

State properties are given to public officials to enable them discharge their duties but majority of them do not take proper care of these properties. There is also the nuisance of students and individuals who violently destroy state property during demonstrations. 

As we enjoy and exercise our rights and freedoms as Ghanaians,we owe mother Ghana a duty to preserve and protect whatever belongs to her. We must also understand that,our own taxes are used in purchasing whatever we need as a state and social amenities like roads,schools,hospitals and indeed whatever we call state property are provided by us. Therefore the earlier we take good care of state property the better.

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