Monday, March 8, 2010

Mass Communication

State the functions of the media and briefly explain why these functions fall under economic,political and social?
1.Economic functions of the media includes:
b.publicity and advertising
c.mobilizing people
These functions fall under economic because economically the function of the media relates to trade,industry and the management of money.

2.Political roles of the media includes: dog
b.mouth piece of the people
c.gate keeper
e.agenda setting
f.`serves as agents for change
Politically,the function of the media relates to governance,politics and public affairs of a country.

3.These are some of social functions of the media:
a.creates awareness
b.serves as a mediator
c.entertains the public
d.educates the public
e.informs the public
f.provides a platform for everyone
g.cultural integration
h.agents of socialization
i.maintenance of relationship
j.promotes human rights
k.keeps historical records
l.serves as motivators
Socially,the function of the media relates to human society and its organization and the quality of people`s lives and social issues such as education and human rights.

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